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Peter Gilmore launches his first app

Peter Gilmore is coming soon to an iPad screen near you.

Peter Gilmore is coming soon to an iPad screen near you. The Quay chef is launching a self-titled app to tie in with his new book, Organum, and it’s unlike any other digital cookbook extension we’ve seen before.

“It’s sort of like a sister-project to the new book,” says Gilmore, “but they’re separate entities.”

Sydney agency Pollen is behind its conception, using vivid photography, videography and interactive technology to bring six of the book’s recipes (plus two bonus recipes exclusive to the app) to life. “It’s the whole idea of being able to see it in a more live format,” says Gilmore, “as well as being able to drill down to the detail.”

Gilmore’s voice guides you through the journey as you explore each dish, delving into the key ingredients – where they come from to the people who produce them. “Probably the most exciting feature is where you can build the dish,” he says. “We shot it in sequence from the very first thing that hits the plate to the very last element of garnish, and by scrolling up and down you can actually build the dish from scratch and watch it come to life.”

The recipes are there for the brave to wrangle. Those sensible enough to leave the cooking to the man himself, meanwhile, can make use of the bookings tool that’ll send a table request to Quay.

“I think it’ll be great for young chefs,” Gilmore says, “for people that are food-lovers that just want to go a little bit deeper into what lies behind the dish – the construction of the dish, the ingredients, and then be able to drill a bit deeper down by finding out where those ingredients come from and, in some cases, who supplies them.”

The book hits shelves 22 October, but keep an eye out for Peter Gilmore in the iTunes store for $8.99 from 20 October.

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