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The Cliff Dive’s Ti’ Punch

Updating a Caribbean classic with a dash of French élan.
Will Horner

Updating a Caribbean classic with a dash of French élan. 


A favourite in the French-speaking parts of the Caribbean, the classic Ti’ Punch is like a proto-Daiquiri but, in the hands of Michael Chiem at Sydney’s The Cliff Dive, it gets a fresh twist. “I like it for its forward and punchy flavour profile,” he says. “There’s an appealing balance between the acidity and the richness from the sugar-cane juice. Very sessionable.” The Cliff Dive, 16-18 Oxford Sq, Darlinghurst, NSW.

Add 45ml of rhum agricole (Michael Chiem likes to use La Mauny 55 at The Cliff Dive, but says in the absence of a French cane-juice rum, a good cachaça or Havana Club three-year-old work well), 30ml of fresh sugar-cane juice, 15ml lime juice and a dash of sugar syrup to a shaker. Add ice to fill, shake hard, taste, adjusting lime and sugar as necessary, strain into a chilled coupette and serve.

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