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Poached pears with Gorgonzola dolcelatte gelato

Australian Gourmet Traveller Italian dessert recipe for poached pears with Gorgonzola dolcelatte gelato by Fratelli Paradiso restaurant in Sydney.
Poached pears with Gorgonzola dolcelatte gelato

Poached pears with Gorgonzola dolcelatte gelato

Ben Dearnley
1H 30M
1H 50M


Gorgonzola dolcelatte gelato



1.Combine sugar, wine, cinnamon, star anise and 1.5 litres water in a saucepan over low heat, stir to dissolve sugar, add pears, cover with a circle of baking paper and cook until pears are tender (45 minutes-1 hour). Discard paper, remove pears with a slotted spoon, refrigerate until chilled (discard syrup).
2.Meanwhile, for Gorgonzola dolcelatte gelato, place Gorgonzola in a heatproof bowl and set aside. Combine milk, sugar and glucose in a saucepan over medium heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until sugar dissolves (2-3 minutes). Pour over Gorgonzola, whisk to combine, cool slightly, then fold through mascarpone and refrigerate until cool. Freeze in an ice-cream machine according to manufacturer’s instructions, then freeze until required. Makes about 1 litre.
3.Melt chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Pat pears dry with absorbent paper, half-dip in chocolate, place on a baking tray lined with baking paper, set aside to set (10-15 minutes). Serve pears with Gorgonzola dolcelatte gelato.

This recipe is from the May 2010 issue of .


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