To request a recipe, write to Fare Exchange, Australian Gourmet Traveller, GPO Box 4088, Sydney, NSW 2001, or email us. All requests should include the restaurant’s name and address or business card, as well as your name and address.
2.Preheat oven to 200C. Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a heavy-based roasting pan over medium-high heat. Season lamb and cook for 5 minutes, turning until browned all over. Roast in oven, turning once, for 8-10 minutes for medium-rare or until cooked to your liking. Rest for 10 minutes covered loosely with foil.
Note For clarified butter, melt cold cubed butter, pour into a jug, stand, skim surface then pour off clear butter and reserve, discarding milk fat. 250gm butter will yield 225ml of clarified butter.