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Steamed wild-harvest scallops with ginger and spring onions

Australian Gourmet Traveller recipe for steamed wild-harvest scallops with ginger and spring onions by Me Wah restaurant in Tasmania.
Steamed wild-harvest scallops with ginger and spring onions

Steamed wild-harvest scallops with ginger and spring onions

Chris Chen

“Me Wah’s steamed scallops with ginger and spring onions were the highlight of our long weekend in Tassie. We would love to have the recipe so we can attempt to relive that incredible meal at home.”

James Frazer, Wodonga, Vic

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1.Combine soy sauce, chicken stock and caster sugar in a small saucepan, stir until sugar dissolves, then simmer until slightly reduced (3-5 minutes). Keep warm.
2.Place a large steamer basket over a wok of simmering water. Place scallops in a single layer in steamer basket, scatter over ginger, cover with a lid and steam until scallops are just cooked through (2-3 minutes). Transfer to serving plates, spoon over soy mixture, top with spring onion and keep warm.
3.Meanwhile, heat oil in a small saucepan over high heat until smoking (2-3 minutes), drizzle over scallops and serve hot.

Note Wild-harvest Spring Bay scallops are available from select fishmongers. If unavailable, substitute another scallop in the shell.

This recipe is from the February 2010 issue of Australian Gourmet Traveller.


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