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Pain and destruction

Australian Gourmet Traveller Spanish tapas recipe for pain and destruction.
Pain and destruction

Pain and destruction

Ben Dearnley

Okay, this isn’t the most inviting name for a dish. In Spain, it’s called duelos y quebrantos. Originally, this classic tapas dish consisted of eggs and brains but it is now more likely to be served with ham.




1.Preheat oven to 220C. Whisk eggs and cream in a heatproof bowl, add butter, season to taste and place over a saucepan of simmering water. Gently stir until eggs are just set and scrambled (5-10 minutes).
2.Meanwhile, arrange pancetta in 4 even piles on an oven tray and bake until starting to crisp (4-5 minutes), then turn and cook until crisp (4-5 minutes). To serve, divide eggs among small cups, crack black pepper over to taste and serve topped with pancetta.

Drink Suggestion: A dry, sparkling cava. Drink suggestion by Max Allen


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