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Chilli con carne

Chilli con carne

The big bowl o' red may have hotly contested origins, but chilli con carne's smoky, spicy appeal is indisputable.
Tostada with achiote grilled albacore

La Casita’s tostada with achiote-grilled albacore

“This achiote paste is usually slathered over our pork for tacos al pastor,” says La Casita chef Josh Lewis. “Here, I’ve used it on some beautiful albacore, which has a meaty yet delicate texture and flavour.”

La Casita’s esquites

If you haven't discovered the wonders of this spiced-corn street snack, be ready for the flavour revelation.
Tepache Toreador cocktail

La Casita’s Tepache Toreador

“This is based on tepache, a traditional Mexican fermented beverage, crossed with a Margarita-style drink called a Toreador,” says La Casita bartender Ben Mudge.
Rosado cocktail

La Casita’s Rosado

“This cocktail is named for its pink colour, which comes from the hibiscus syrup we make,” says La Casita bartender Ben Mudge. “It’s garnished with candied flowers and a grilled lemon slice, which gives it a lovely caramelised lemon flavour.”