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Loft’s Pimms and Roses

Watching the tennis is more fun with a Pimms in hand.
Andrew Finlayson

Everything’s coming up English-country-garden with this genteel cup.


“It’s based on a Pimm’s Cup but I’ve twisted it a little,” says Mathew Hewitt apropos this drink, just one of a passel he put together for West End bar Loft. “It starts quite sweet with the Pimm’s and then moves to the bitterness of the Campari. By the end of the first sip, you should be starting to want another.” The trick, he says, is varying the vermouth, either mixing sweet and dry for a richer drink, or going all dry, as we have here, for a crisper result.


In a punch bowl or large jug, mix 200ml Pimm’s, 80ml Campari, 80ml dry vermouth (or a mixture of sweet and dry vermouths), 80ml agave syrup, 80ml Mymouné rose syrup (available from Simon Johnson stores) and 40ml Dom Bénédictine.

Top with 640ml of ginger beer (or to taste), add ice cubes and garnish with slices of citrus and cucumber and sprigs of mint.


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