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How to prepare artichokes

Cooking with artichokes isn’t as daunting as their prickly appearance might suggest – these delicious treasures are highly prized and easily prepared.
How to prepare artichokes

Cooking with artichokes isn’t as daunting as their prickly appearance might suggest – these delicious treasures are highly prized and easily prepared. For more information on how to prepare artichokes, check out our artichoke masterclass.

If halved, remove hairy choke from heart by using a teaspoon or melon-baller and discard; rub flesh with lemon. If the recipe calls for whole artichoke hearts, gently pry the leaves open a little, insert a melon-baller and gently remove hairy choke from heart.

If the recipe calls for halving, halve artichoke and rub cut side with lemon.

Peel green exterior of stem until you reach pale inner flesh, discard fibrous outer flesh, then using a vegetable peeler, smooth stem and remove remaining bitter green flesh from the artichoke stem and base of heart. Rub flesh with lemon to prevent from oxidizing and discoloring.

How to prepare artichokes

Remove tough outer leaves with your fingers until you reach the pale inner heart and discard them.

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