Scaled down to little more than a mouthful, tiny cakes take on an irresistible charm. Best of all, these diminutive treats offer every excuse to go back for seconds (or thirds).
America's most famous chef takes the smarts and good taste that have brought him acclaim at The French Laundry and Per Se and applies them to the humble sandwich. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Thomas Keller's lunchbox. Truly the greatest thing since sliced bread.
At his new Spice Temple, Neil Perry calls on the more exotic flavours of China (and plenty of spices) to turn up the heat. Break out the chillies, spark up the wok and start a fire of your own with these hot, hot, hot dishes.
When it comes to last-minute entertaining, a lovingly made preserve, served as an antipasto, condiment or sauce, will get you out of a jam. Capture sunshine in a bottle with these preserves of the season's best produce.