Home Chefs' Recipes

Helly Raichura’s green beans and coriander stir-fry (sheemaur dhonay saag)

You'll be piling the green beans onto your plate with this punchy recipe by Enter Via Laundry's Helly Raichura.

Photo: Parker Blain

Parker Blain
4 - 6

“Traditionally, this dish is often made with broad beans,” says Helly Raichura, “but you can use any kind of bean you like – even snow peas work here. The most important thing is they have a bit of crunch.”



1.Place coriander, ginger and chilli with 2 tbsp mustard oil and 60ml cold water in a blender and blend to a paste. Set aside.
2.Heat a large frying pan with remaining mustard oil over medium-high heat. Add nigella seeds and cook, stirring, until lightly toasted (30 seconds). Stir in paste and sugar and cook, stirring continuously, until fragrant and lightly toasted (1-2 minutes).
3.Add beans and cook until beans are just cooked and still with a crunch (3-5 minutes); season to taste, transfer to a serving plate and scatter with edible flowers.

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