A Champagne cocktail for a little spring luxury.
Mint syrup
1.For mint syrup, combine caster sugar, mint leaves and 30ml cold water in a bowl and stand until sugar dissolves (2-2½ hours). Makes 50ml.
2.Combine sorbet, 30ml mint syrup and gin in a 1 litre carafe and stir through 100ml Champagne. Let the froth settle and slowly top with remaining Champagne (See note). Be patient with the speed at which you pour so you don’t lose the precious bubbles. Pour into Champagne flutes or saucers and squeeze lemon zest over the drinks for a heady citrus aroma (discard zests).
Raspberry sorbet is available from fine food stores and gelaterie. Alternatively, place 30ml raspberry mixture in the base of each flute and pour the remaining Champagne slowly over the back of a spoon for the visual effect… tricky but very impressive.