In Mexico, raw prawns are used for this popular ceviche; elsewhere in South America, cooked prawns are usually used in a mixed seafood ceviche along with squid and octopus.
Prawn ceviche
White corn tortillas
1.For guacamole, using a spoon remove avocado flesh, place in a bowl and coarsely mash. Add chilli and lime, season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper and combine well. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve.
2.For white corn tortillas, combine masa white corn and plain flour with 1 tsp sea salt
in a bowl, then add 1-1¼ cups water and mix to a soft dough. Knead on a lightly floured surface for 10 minutes or until elastic, then divide into 12 even-sized pieces. Working with 1 piece at a time, keeping remaining pieces covered with a damp
tea towel, roll into a 15cm-diameter circle and cook in an ungreased heavy-based crêpe pan or frying pan over medium heat for 1-2 minutes each side or until golden. Repeat with remaining dough. Keep warm until needed.
3.Place tomato and cucumber in a small bowl, add olive oil, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until required. Place prawns in a non-reactive bowl, add lime juice, 1 cup water and onion, season to taste and combine well. Cover with plastic wrap
and refrigerate for at least 40 minutes or until the prawns start to turn from opaque
to white. Add tomato and cucumber mix, Tabasco and combine well. Serve with tortillas and guacamole.
Note Masa white corn flour is corn soaked in lime water then ground to a flour. It’s available from Monterey Mexican Foods.
Drink Suggestion: Cold, dry lager. Drink suggestion by Max Allen