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Ocean trout tartare with chips

Australian Gourmet Traveller summer seafood recipe for ocean trout tartare with chips
Ocean trout tartare with chips

Ocean trout tartare with chips

Con Poulos

If ocean trout is unavailable, substitute salmon.




1.Place ocean trout in a non-reactive bowl. Add mustard, lemon juice, capers, shallots, chives and olive oil. Season generously with sea salt and freshly ground white pepper. Combine well and refrigerate.
2.Drain potatoes and pat dry with absorbent paper. Heat oil in a deep-fryer or large, deep saucepan to 150C. Add half the potatoes and cook for 6 minutes, or until cooked through. Drain on absorbent paper. Repeat with remaining potatoes, then set aside. Increase oil heat to 180C. Return potatoes to oil and deep-fry for 3-5 minutes or until golden and crisp, drain and season with sea salt.
3.Place tartare into four 1 cup-capacity moulds, then unmould onto plates. Crack quail eggs in half, leaving egg in one half, and place on top of each tartare. Serve with chips and cornichons.

Drink Suggestion: A good Chablis. Drink suggestion by Max Allen


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