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Barbecuring cancer this summer

Before you start marinating your lamb chops in lemon rind, Greek oregano and garlic to hit the barbecue this summer, consider hosting a Barbecure instead in aid of Cure Cancer Australia’s new fundraising initiative.
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Before you start marinating your lamb chops in lemon rind, Greek oregano and garlic (or is that Japanese yuzu and sesame?) to hit the barbecue this summer, consider hosting a Barbecure instead in aid of Cure Cancer Australia’s new fundraising initiative.


One Australian dies every 12 minutes from cancer, and Cure Cancer Australia has spent 50 years funding research to find a cure across the spectrum. This year, from December 2016 until February 2017, you can register your summer barbecue as a Barbecure, and encourage your friends, workmates and family to donate after they’ve helped themselves to a piece of smoky chilli chicken or two. Donation points are also located at Barbeques Galore across the country and with a fundraising goal of $1,000,000 every donation counts, no matter the size.

We’re proud to partner with Cure Cancer Australia, take a look at our favourite barbecue recipes here for more inspiration.

To register and donate, see

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