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Chocolate recipes

It’s time to break out the chocolate recipes. Sticky bitter chocolate doughnuts, a chocolate and pretzel slice, and chocolate millefeuille with burnt white chocolate cream are just some of what we’ve got waiting for you in our slideshow.
Chocolate and pretzels - chocolate recipes

It’s time to break out the chocolate recipes. Sticky bitter chocolate doughnuts, a chocolate and pretzel slice, and chocolate millefeuille with burnt white chocolate cream are just some of what we’ve got waiting for you in our slideshow. 

Baked chocolate cream with ginger-poached pears

Chocolate and almond simnel cake

Chocolate and hazelnut babka

Chocolate and pretzels - chocolate recipes

Chocolate and pretzels

Chocolate baklava

Chocolate chestnut cakes

Chocolate coconut meringue pie

Chocolate éclairs

Chocolate French toast

Chocolate millefeuille with burnt white chocolate cream

Chocolate moelleux

Chocolate mousse cakes

Chocolate mousse

Chocolate mud cakes with chocolate and mandarin ice-cream

Chocolate pots with chestnut crème

Chocolate pots with Pedro Ximénez

Chocolate Tropézienne

Chocolate whiskey soufflé

Chocolate, hazelnut and coffee tartufo

Chocolate, strawberries and cream

Churros with hot chocolate

Hazelnut and chocolate puddings

Hazelnut mousse with honeycomb and chocolate

Hazelnut sponge with chocolate-raspberry cream

Heart-stopping hot chocolate with chocolate marshmallows

Nougat and chocolate semifreddo

Rum, chocolate and coconut cakes

Sticky bitter chocolate doughnuts

Triple chocolate praline tart

White chocolate cupcakes with raspberry frosting

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