Ham? Turkey? Or both? Whatever your preference for the main event at Christmas, you can’t go wrong with one of these recipes. Turkey cooked on the barbecue is a smoky revelation or you could opt for a rolled turkey breast with a summery stuffing of pine nuts and preserved lemon. Looking for traditional roast turkey recipes? We’ve got those too, along with ham glazes for every taste, whether that’s pineapple and star anise, quince or cider and mustard.
Looking for some pointers on how to carve your ham? Watch our demo below.
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Cider-brined Smoked Turkey with Cranberry Barbecue Sauce

Rolled turkey breast with pine nuts, coriander and preserved lemon

Turkey with chestnut, rosemary and apple stuffing and cherry-cranberry preserve

Roast turkey with dried fig and cracked wheat stuffing with Pedro Ximénez sauce

Dry-brined turkey with cranberry relish and verjuice pan juices

Pineapple and rum glazed Christmas ham with tomato sambal

Red roasted free-range turkey with Turkish pepperoni

Roast turkey with burghul, preserved lemon and pine nuts


Roast herbed turkey roll with Meyer lemon mayonnaise