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Braised artichokes with asparagus and pecorino

Australian Gourmet Traveller Italian antipasto recipe for braised artichokes with asparagus and pecorino by Danny Russo from The Beresford Hotel.
Braised artichokes with asparagus and pecorino

Braised artichokes with asparagus and pecorino

William Meppem


Braised artichokes



1.For braised artichokes, combine all ingredients (except artichokes) and 1 litre water in a large saucepan. Remove outer leaves from artichokes until you reach the tender inner leaves, then trim tops and peel down stalks to remove the tough, stringy outer layer and add immediately to liquid. Cover closely with a round of baking paper and weight with a plate to completely submerge artichokes. Bring to a gentle boil over medium heat, reduce heat to low and cook until just soft enough for a skewer to press easily through the centre (7-10 minutes). Remove from heat, cool artichokes in liquid, then remove with a slotted spoon. Halve lengthways, remove hairy choke using a teaspoon and return to liquid until needed.
2. Blanch asparagus in boiling salted water until tender (1-2 minutes). Drain, refresh in iced water, drain again and set aside.
3.Combine asparagus, baby cress and pistachios in a bowl. Add drained artichokes, lemon juice and oil. Season to taste and toss with your hands to combine. Scatter with pecorino, drizzle with extra oil and serve immediately with the Sbagliato Carafe, grilled octopus, prosciutto and crusty bread.

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