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Passionfruit posset with mango and passionfruit sorbet

Australian Gourmet Traveller dessert recipe for passionfruit posset with mango and passionfruit sorbet by Anna Polyviou from Sydney restaurant The Bather's Pavilion.
Passionfruit posset with mango and passionfruit sorbet

Passionfruit posset with mango and passionfruit sorbet

Ben Dearnley
1H 30M

“Would you please ask pastry chef Anna Polyviou at The Bathers’ Pavilion in Sydney for the recipe for her incredible passionfruit posset with mango and passionfruit sorbet?”

Janine Sharp, Roseville, NSW

To request a recipe, write to Fare Exchange, , GPO Box 4088, Sydney, NSW 2001, or email us. All requests should include the restaurant’s name and address or business card, as well as your name and address.


Mango and passionfruit sorbet
Mango jelly
Coconut tapioca



1.For mango and passionfruit sorbet, combine mango purée and passionfruit juice in a large heatproof bowl and set aside. Combine glucose and 450ml water in a saucepan, bring to the boil, whisk in caster sugar until sugar dissolves. Pour over purée mixture, stir to combine, pass though a fine sieve. Refrigerate until chilled, then freeze in an ice-cream machine according to manufacturer’s instructions. Makes about 500ml.
2.Meanwhile, combine cream and sugar in a saucepan, bring to the boil over medium heat and simmer, stirring continuously, until sugar dissolves (4 minutes). Add passionfruit juice, simmer to infuse (4 minutes), remove from heat, cool slightly, divide among four 400ml-capacity glasses and refrigerate until set (1½-2 hours).
3.For mango jelly, combine sparkling wine, mango purée, sugar, passionfruit pulp and vanilla in a saucepan over medium heat, bring to just below the boil, remove from heat. Squeeze water from gelatine, add gelatine to pan, stir to combine, then pass through a fine sieve into a bowl. Cool to room temperature, then carefully pour over set passionfruit posset and refrigerate until set (1-1½ hours).
4.Meanwhile, for coconut tapioca, bring a saucepan of water to the boil and, stirring continuously, add tapioca in a stream, then stir occasionally until transparent (30-35 minutes). Drain through a fine sieve, rinse under cold running water, set aside to drain. Combine remaining ingredients in a saucepan, bring to the simmer over medium heat, stir in tapioca to combine, cool to room temperature, then spoon over jelly in glasses and refrigerate until firm (1-1½ hours).
5.Combine mango, pineapple and passionfruit pulp in a bowl. Top each glass with fruit mixture and a scoop of sorbet, garnish with baby basil and serve.

For passionfruit juice, process pulp in a food processor, then strain through a fine sieve (discard solids); 24 passionfruit yield about 335ml. For mango purée, place the flesh of two mangoes in a blender and process until smooth.

This recipe is from the December 2009 issue of



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