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BLT salad

Australian Gourmet Traveller fast recipe for BLT Salad
BLT salad

BLT salad

Ben Dearnley




1.Place tomatoes, marjoram, 1 clove of garlic and ½ cup olive oil in a shallow ovenproof dish, season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, then bake at 200C for 10 minutes or until tomatoes are just beginning to burst. Remove from oven and cool to room temperature. Strain tomatoes and garlic through a sieve and reserve liquid. Using the back of a knife, crush cooked garlic and ½ tsp sea salt on a work surface to make a smooth paste.
2.Brush bread slices on both sides liberally with oil, place on a heavy-based oven tray and bake at 180C for 20 minutes, turning once during cooking, or until golden on each side. Remove from oven and rub one side with remaining garlic clove, then coarsely break croutons into large pieces.
3.Meanwhile, combine egg yolk, mustard and garlic paste in a bowl, then add ½ cup cooled reserved tomato liquid, drop by drop, then in a slow steady stream until mixture is thick and emulsified. Season to taste with sea salt and ground black pepper. Makes about ½ cup.
4.Meanwhile, cook bacon in a large heavy-based frying over medium heat until crisp on both sides, then drain on absorbent paper.
5.Cut each lettuce in half and divide among plates. Divide tomatoes, bacon and croûtons among plates, drizzle with a little dressing, then serve immediately, with remaining dressing passed separately.

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