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Swordfish with breadcrumbs, zucchini and mint

Australian Gourmet Trveller fast Italian recipe for swordfish with breadcrumbs, zucchini and mint.
Swordfish with breadcrumbs, zucchini and mint

Swordfish with breadcrumbs, zucchini and mint

Jason Loucas


Gremolata crumbs
Zucchini and mint



1.For gremolata crumbs, preheat oven to 180C. Combine ingredients in a bowl, season to taste, then scatter over a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake, stirring occasionally, until golden (10-15 minutes). Transfer to a bowl, season to taste and set aside.
2.Meanwhile, heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat, season swordfish to taste, then add to pan with butter and half the oil and cook, turning once, until golden and almost cooked through (3-5 minutes each side). Keep warm.
3.Meanwhile, for zucchini and mint, heat oil in a frying pan, add zucchini and garlic and sauté until just tender (2-4 minutes), add herbs and stir to combine, then add lemon rind and juice and season to taste. Serve swordfish topped with gremolata crumbs, with zucchini and mint and lemon wedges to the side.

This recipe is from the May 2010 issue of .


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