As temperatures drop, our thoughts turn to comfort food, and what’s more comforting than a roast? Our collection of cool weather roasts features everything from rib roast with potato gratin to roast chicken with Russian salad.

Roast duck

Rib roast of beef with pan gravy and roast potatoes

Roast pork loin with cider and apple sauce

Roast beef and cabernet merlot

Roast chicken with Russian salad

Roast mushrooms on Gruyère toast

Rib roast with potato gratin

Rosemary roast lamb with witlof gratin

Roast pork with rhubarb and rosemary jelly

Roast pumpkin soup with pancetta and parmesan

Roast fish with broccolini, lemon and burnt butter

Roast chicken, bread salad, braised lettuce and peas
Rôti de saumon aux crevettes (Roast salmon with prawns)
Lapin rôti à la Lyonnaise (Lyonnaise-style roast rabbit)

Slow-roast lamb shoulder with layered potatoes

Whole roast duck with winter vegetables and orange

Roast quail wrapped in vine leaves with grapes and herbed orzo

Prime rib of beef with Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes and Brussels sprouts