Home Chefs' Recipes

Baby carrots with labne and herb salad

Australian Gourmet Traveller recipe for baby carrots with labne and herb salad by Matt McConnell from Melbourne restaurant Bar Lourinha.
Baby carrots with labne and herb salad

Baby carrots with labne and herb salad

Chris Chen

“As well as being one of the prettiest plates I’ve ordered, the baby carrots with labne and herb salad at Bar Lourinhã was also one of the most delicious. I’d love Matt McConnell’s recipe.”

Thuy On, Collingwood, Vic

To request a recipe, write to Fare Exchange, , GPO Box 4088, Sydney, NSW 2001, or email us. All requests should include the restaurant’s name and address or business card, as well as your name and address.




1.Preheat oven to 200C. Place carrots in a roasting pan, drizzle with olive oil, scatter with fennel seeds, season to taste and roast until carrots are tender and starting to caramelise (15-20 minutes). Remove from pan and cool to room temperature.
2.Deglaze pan with vinegar and sherry, add extra-virgin oil, whisk to combine, season to taste and set aside.
3.Combine herbs and onion in a bowl, drizzle over a little dressing and toss to combine. Scatter labne over a serving plate, top with carrot, scatter over salad, drizzle with remaining dressing and serve.

Labne is a yoghurt cheese available from select delicatessens and David Jones food halls. To make your own, drain thick Greek-style yoghurt overnight in a muslin-lined sieve. Pedro Ximénez sherry vinegar is available from David Jones food halls and select delicatessens. Pedro Ximénez sherry, a dark, thick, sweet sherry, is available from select bottleshops and David Jones food halls.

This recipe is from the February 2010 issue of



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