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Darren Robertson’s shaved zucchini salad with Christmas ham and macadamias

We've teamed up with OzHarvest and Darren Robertson to create Gourmet Leftovers: a zucchini salad that uses up any odd ends from Christmas.
Video by Tessa Rex

When you’ve gone to all the trouble of choosing, glazing and carving a ham for Christmas, it seems criminal not to do anything with what’s  left after the big day. Rather than making endless rounds of ham sandwiches, Darren Robertson suggests a tasty zucchini salad with Christmas ham, macadamias, currants and parmesan – all things you’re likely to find in your pantry after Christmas Day. No zucchini? Celery or potato will work, too. You can also substitute other dried fruit or nuts that you have on hand – the point is to use up your leftovers.

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1.To make the dressing, add all the ingredients to a small jar and season to taste. Seal with the lid and shake to combine.
2.Dry-roast macadamias in a frying pan until slightly golden (2-3 minutes), then set aside to cool.
3.Add ham, zucchini, squash and herbs to a bowl and toss to combine. Dress salad and toss gently. Transfer to a serving bowl, add half the macadamias whole, then grate over the rest. Top with grated parmesan, season to taste and serve.

If you don’t want to use herb stalks in this salad, blanch them for 1 minute, dry them and then blitz them with olive oil to make a herb oil, perfect for drizzling over salads, omelettes, pizza and risotto.


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