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Crab and corn omelette

Australian Gourmet Traveller fast recipe for crab and corn omelette
Crab and corn omelette

Crab and corn omelette

Teny Aghamalian


Snow pea and bean shoot salad



1.Using a sharp knife, remove corn kernels from cobs and set aside. Heat vegetable oil in a 24cm-diameter frying pan over medium heat. Add corn and green onion and cook until soft (about 5 minutes). Season to taste with sea salt and freshly ground white pepper.
2.Whisk eggs and cream in a bowl to combine and season to taste with soy sauce and freshly ground white pepper. Pour over corn mixture and cook for 2 minutes, using a wooden spatula to draw cooked egg into centre and evenly disperse corn mixture. Cook until egg starts to set (about 3 minutes). Scatter over crab meat and cook, without stirring, until almost set (about another 3 minutes). Place under a hot grill until cooked and lightly golden (about 2 minutes) Using a spatula, slide omelette onto a serving plate.
3.For snow pea and bean shoot salad in a bowl, combine all ingredients. Serve omelette cut into wedges with salad and lime wedges and soy sauce passed separately.

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