Getting the timing right while cooking eggplant is crucial for texture. For such an unassuming vegetable, it can be so easy to char into a chewy mess, or bake into cardboard. This recipe takes the guesswork out of the cook time, and leaves you with perfectly soft rounds of eggplant that act like a sponge to absorb the curry sauce, so that each bite is as flavourful as the last.
Heat ghee in a wok over medium heat until melted and starting to shimmer. Add 1 tsp mustard seeds, cardamom and curry leaves and stir until seeds start to pop (30 seconds). Add shallots and 1 tsp salt; cook, stirring frequently until shallots start to colour (2-3 minutes). Add curry powder and stir until fragrant (2 minutes).
Add eggplants to the wok; and cook turning occasionally until golden (5 minutes). Add pineapple and beans; stir-fry to combine (3 minutes). Add coconut milk; bring to a simmer, reduce heat slightly then cook, covered until tender (8 minutes); add tomatoes and cook until just heated through (2 minutes).
Serve eggplant and pineapple curry with steamed rice and grated coconut on the side. Scatter with fried curry leaves.