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Rare roast beef with anchovies, garlic and rocket salsa verde

Australian Gourmet Traveller recipe for rare roast beef with anchovies, garlic and rocket salsa verde.
Rare roast beef with anchovies, garlic and rocket salsa verde

Rare roast beef with anchovies, garlic and rocket salsa verde

Prue Ruscoe
1H 10M


Rocket salsa verde



1.Process herbs, anchovy and garlic in a food processor until finely chopped. Add oil and vinegar, season to taste and process to a fine paste.
2.Slash beef at intervals with a sharp knife, place in a non-reactive tray, pour over herb mixture and rub into beef. Cover and refrigerate to marinate (2-4 hours).
3.For rocket salsa verde, blanch rocket until bright green and just wilted (10 seconds), drain, refresh, then drain again, squeezing out excess water. Coarsely chop and set aside. Process capers, shallot and garlic in a food processor until finely chopped. Add rocket and parsley, process until coarsely chopped. With motor running, add oil in a thin, steady stream, processing until finely chopped, then add vinegar, lemon rind and juice. Season to taste and refrigerate until required.
4.Preheat oven to 180C. Heat a large frying pan over medium-high heat, add beef and turn occasionally until browned on all sides (4-5 minutes). Transfer to an oven tray and roast until cooked to your liking (25-30 minutes for rare), then cover with foil and rest in a warm place (15 minutes). Thinly slice and serve warm or at room temperature with rocket salsa verde.

Drink Suggestion: Bright and snappy young red sangiovese. Drink suggestion by Max Allen


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