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Goat’s curd and mint tartlets

Australian Gourmet Traveller Spanish dessert recipe for goat’s curd and mint tartlets.
Goat’s curd and mint tartlets

Goat’s curd and mint tartlets

Ben Dearnley
1H 15M

Makes 8


Aniseed pastry



1.For aniseed pastry, process flour, butter, sugar and aniseed in a food processor until fine crumbs form. Whisk egg yolk and liqueur, add to flour mixture and process to combine. Turn onto a work surface, bring together with the heel of your hand, shape into a disc, cover in plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm (2-3 hours). Roll out onto a lightly floured work surface to 2mm thick, line six 6cm x 11.5cm fluted tart tins, trim edges and refrigerate until firm (30 minutes). Preheat oven to 180C, blind bake (see cook’s notes p202) for 12-15 minutes, remove weights and bake until just golden (7-8 minutes), then cool.
2.Process curd, mint and lemon rind in a food processor until smooth. Add egg, honey and sugar and process to combine, then divide among tartlet cases and bake until golden (25-30 minutes). Cool to room temperature and serve drizzled with honey.

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