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Pork for veal in vitello tonnato?

Can I substitute pork for veal in vitello tonnato? If so, which cut would you advise?


By Natalie Fox

Lisa Featherby, GT food editor, writes:

To start, pork has a much stronger flavour than veal and may clash a bit with the tuna sauce. It also depends on the cut you’re using and whether you’re poaching the veal or roasting it – pork may turn out dry and tough if you’re following the recipe exactly. And, although the traditional way to cook veal for vitello tonnato is to poach it, I wouldn’t recommend this for pork.

Having said that, if you do want to substitute veal with pork, then I would suggest using a leaner cut, such as fillet and roasting it quickly, then very thinly slicing it. Pork fillet is less than half the size of veal fillet, so your cooking time would vary and you may need to double or triple your quantity.


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