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Australian Gourmet Traveller for Canchánchara by Matt Bax from Melbourne's Bar Economico.


William Meppem

This Cuban classic, a favourite at Melbourne’s Der Raum, has been given a new lease of life at the site’s “rum brothel” reincarnation, Bar Económico. If cachaça and aguardiente prove elusive, Matthew Bax suggests substituting them with a rum such as 10 Cane.




1.Muddle lime in a highball glass, then add crushed ice to fill to three-quarters. Add cachaça and honey and lemongrass water, stir to combine, then add more crushed ice to fill. Garnish with lemongrass stalks and serve.

Note To make honey and lemongrass water, stir ½ cup honey, ½ cup water and the finely chopped tender inner part of a lemongrass stalk in a saucepan over medium-high heat until the honey dissolves. For best results, refrigerate it for a day or two to infuse before straining.


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