Home Chefs' Recipes

David Thompson’s nahm dtok muu

Long Chim's David Thompson shares his nahm dtok muu (aka grilled pork Thai salad) recipe with Gourmet Traveller.
David Thompson's nahm dtok muu

Long Chim’s David Thompson shares his nahm dtok muu (aka grilled pork Thai salad) recipe with Gourmet Traveller. 


Grilled pork
To serve
Vegetable basket



1.Trim the pork, but retain most of the fat. Briefly marinate in the fish sauce and sugar. Chargrill the pork to medium (approx. 10-12 minutes) then allow to rest for at least 10 minutes.
2.Make the dressing by combining the ingredients. It should be pungently hot, sour and salty.
3.For ground roasted rice, dry-fry white sticky rice over a low heat in a wok or pan for 15-20 minutes, stirring regularly until golden and fragrant. The rice must smell nutty and cooked and look lightly toasted. Leave to cool, then grind in a pestle and mortar to achieve a medium powder.
4.To serve, cut the grilled pork across the grain into 5 or 6 slices. Place all the herbs in a bowl. Add the sliced pork. Spoon in the dressing (5 tablespoons) and combine. Serve, sprinkled with ground roasted rice (½ tablespoon). Accompany with vegetables.

This recipe is presented by Australian Pork


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