A cool take on a long-serving flavour profile. Each element in this combination is crafted to elevate your sweet tooth experience. Begin this recipe a day ahead.
Preheat oven to 200°C fan-forced. Line a large tray with baking paper. Add brioche to a food processor and pulse to coarse crumbs. Pour onto tray and stir through sugar. Bake, stirring occassionally, until golden (10-12 minutes). Allow to cool completely.
In a small pan over medium heat, melt butter until bubbling. Cook, swirling pan, until beginning to brown (3 minutes). Remove from heat and set aside for 10 minutes to cool slightly. Stir through condensed milk.
Line base and sides of a 7cm-deep, 5cm x 10cm loaf tin. Beat condensed milk mixture, cream and vanilla in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment until stiff peaks form (3-5 minutes). Fold in two-thirds crumb mixture, reserving remaining crumb in an airtight container for later. Pour into prepared tin, then cover with baking paper and freeze overnight or until firm.
For salted caramel fudge sauce, add sugar to a saucepan over medium heat and stir until dissolved (8-10 minutes). Remove from heat; whisk in butter until melted. Return to heat and slowly pour in cream while stirring constantly. Allow to bubble for 1 minute without stirring. Remove from heat, stir in 1 tsp sea salt flakes and pour into a heatproof jug and allow to cool slightly before using. Sauce will thicken as it cools.
Invert ice-cream onto a serving platter and slice as desired. Serve with warm fudge sauce and extra crumb mixture.