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Penne with broccoli and pancetta pangrattato

A simple bowl of pasta that strikes the right balance in terms of crunchy elements and tender greens.
Penne with broccoli and pancetta pangrattatoBen Dearnley
4 - 6

Cooking the broccoli in the same salty water as the pasta saves on pans, and the flavour is really good. The trick is to check the pasta and try to add the broccoli so it finishes at the same time.



1.Fill a large saucepan with 4 litres water and 1½ tbsp salt. Bring to the boil, add pasta and boil, adding broccoli halfway through cooking, until pasta is al dente (10-12 minutes). Drain.
2.Meanwhile, heat a large saucepan over medium heat. Add oil and pancetta and stir occasionally until pancetta begins to colour (2-3 minutes). Add garlic and chilli and stir until garlic is golden (1 minute). Add breadcrumbs, and a little more oil, if necessary, to coat the crumbs, and stir until golden (1-2 minutes). Add pasta and broccoli, season to taste, toss to combine and serve topped with Grana Padano and extra oil.

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