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Salad farm lettuces with radishes, baby croutons and citrus vinaigrette

Australian Gouremt Traveller fast vegetarian recipe for farm lettuces with radishes, baby croutons and citrus vinaigrette
Salad farm lettuces with radishes, baby croutons and citrus vinaigrette

Salad farm lettuces with radishes, baby croutons and citrus vinaigrette

Geoff Lung


Citrus vinaigrette



1.For croûtons, heat butter, olive oil and garlic in a sauté pan over low heat. Add bread and fry gently for 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Discard garlic clove. Scatter with sea salt and drain on absorbent paper.
2.For citrus vinaigrette, place shallots in a bowl, pour over vinegar and citrus juices and stand for 5 minutes. Add sugar, whisk in both oils, and season to taste with sea salt. Makes about 1 cup. Dressing will keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.
3.Drain radishes and place in a bowl with lettuces and sesame seeds, drizzle with enough dressing to coat and toss to combine, then add croûtons and serve immediately.

Drink Suggestion: 2006 Gibbston Valley Sauvignon Blanc.


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