A spiced citrus curiosity for your autumn drinking pleasure.
“This drink incorporates the juice of yuzu, a Japanese citrus fruit now grown sporadically around the north of the country,” says Bulletin Place co-owner and current World Class Bartender of the Year, Tim Philips. “I get mine this time of year from the Tweed Valley in Queensland, but if you can’t get any, lime will suffice. Don’t use preserved yuzu from Japan – it’s great for cooking and marinating, not great for cocktails.” Bulletin Place, level 1, 10-14 Bulletin Pl, Sydney.
Combine 50ml Zubrówka bison-grass vodka, 20ml nashi pear juice (or muddle a quarter of a pear in the shaker), the white of a small egg, 15ml yuzu juice and 10ml dark agave nectar in a shaker. Shake hard to foam the egg, add ice to fill and shake hard to chill. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, garnish with a grating of cinnamon and serve.