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Beef cotoletta with tomato and oregano salad

Australian Gourmet Traveller recipe for beef cotoletta with tomato and oregano salad from Rosa's Kitchen in Melbourne.
Beef cotoletta with tomato and oregano salad

Beef cotoletta with tomato and oregano salad

Chris Chen
6 - 8

“The beef cotoletta at Rosa’s Kitchen rivals my mum’s. I’d love to surprise her and my dad by cooking it for dinner next weekend. Could GT request the recipe?”

Carlo Barbera, St Kilda, Vic


To request a recipe, write to Fare Exchange, Australian Gourmet Traveller, GPO Box 4088, Sydney, NSW 2001, or email [email protected]. Please include the restaurant’s name and address or business card, as well as your name and address.


Tomato, potato and oregano salad



1.For tomato, potato and oregano salad, cook potatoes in boiling salted water until tender (20-25 minutes). Drain and set aside to cool, then peel, coarsely chop and place in a large bowl. Just before serving, add remaining ingredients, season to taste and toss to combine.
2.Combine breadcrumbs, parmesan, parsley and garlic in a bowl, season to taste and toss to combine. Place egg in a separate bowl. Dip beef, in batches, into egg, shake off excess, then dip into breadcrumbs and press lightly. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat and shallow-fry beef in batches, turning occasionally, until golden (5-6 minutes). Drain on absorbent paper and season to taste. Serve hot with lemon wedges and tomato, potato and oregano salad.

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