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Coconut lamingtons with cherry jam

The Australian classic receives a glow-up.
Ben Dearnley
1H 45M

These lamingtons, inspired by the panna cotta lamington at Sydney’s Flour and Stone, are utterly indulgent but entirely worth it. Start this recipe a day ahead to soak the sponge.


Cherry jam
Coconut panna cotta


1.For jam, combine ingredients in a saucepan and stir over medium-high heat until sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil and cook, stirring occasionally, until mixture reaches setting point (6-8 minutes; see note). Cool, then refrigerate until chilled (1-2 hours).
2.For sponge, preheat oven to 160°C, and grease and line a 21cm-square cake tin. Whisk butter and sugar until pale and creamy in an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Add eggs one at a time, beating well between each addition, then gradually fold in flour and baking powder, and transfer to prepared tin. Bake until risen and a skewer inserted withdraws clean (45-50 minutes). Cool in tin for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Halve widthways and cut each half into 16 squares, then set aside in 2 deep trays lined with baking paper, cut-side facing up.
3.Meanwhile, for coconut panna cotta, combine milks in a jug, then add half to a saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Meanwhile, add gelatine to remaining half and leave to soften (5 minutes), then remove gelatine, add to warm milk and stir until gelatine dissolves. Pour warm milk mixture into cold milk, stir to combine and cool.
4.Slowly spoon panna cotta over sponge pieces and stand at room temperature to soak (20 minutes), then cover and refrigerate to chill and set (overnight).
5.For ganache, place chocolate in a bowl. Bring cream and glucose to a simmer in a saucepan and pour over chocolate. Stand for 1 minute, then stir until melted and smooth. Set aside to cool until it starts to thicken.
6.Combined coconut in a wide, shallow bowl. Take two squares of sponge and spread a little jam on one square side of one sponge square, then sandwich with the other. Using a small spatula, spread ganache to cover all sides of sponge completely, then dip all sides in coconut mixture. Place on trays lined with baking paper, repeat with remaining sponge squares and ingredients, then refrigerate until required. If transporting, place a sheet of baking paper inside the base of a container, layer lamingtons between sheets of baking paper, and chill in an Esky until ready to serve.

To help set jam, add 4-5 cherry stones to the saucepan as this will add extra pectin (setting agent). Remove and discard after jam has set.

To test whether marmalade, jam or jelly is at setting point, you’ll need a chilled saucer. Remove the pan from the heat, spoon a little mixture onto the saucer and return it to the freezer for 30 seconds, then draw your finger through the mixture – it should leave a trail, indicating that it’s reached setting point. If not, cook for another few minutes before testing again. If you prefer, use a sugar thermometer to measure when the mixture reaches 105°C; once it does, start testing.


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