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Date and preserved lemon chutney

Brigitte Hafner recipe for date and preserved lemon chutney.
Date and preserved lemon chutney

Date and preserved lemon chutney

Prue Ruscoe

“My husband, Patrick, grew up in Hong Kong and as a result he has an insatiable appetite for chutneys that he’ll happily pair with just about anything I cook,” says Hafner. “This desire to match meat with something sweet and piquant has rubbed off, so I’ve developed a small repertoire of chutneys. This is one of my favourites from my time cooking with Middle Eastern maestro Greg Malouf.” Makes about 500ml.




1.Combine dates, brown sugar, ginger, coriander, cardamom and a good pinch of salt in a saucepan with 250ml water and simmer, covered, until dates are very soft (20-25 minutes). Add preserved lemon and vinegar, then blend in a food processor until smooth. Cool chutney, then add salt to taste – it should taste sweet and sour. Serve with roast duck. Chutney will keep refrigerated in an airtight container for 2 weeks.

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