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Mustard fruits

Australian Gourmet Traveller Christmas recipe for mustard fruits.
Mustard fruits

Cider apple-glazed ham

Chris Chen

This is the perfect accompaniment to glazed ham (shown here). Makes about 750ml.




1.Wrap spices in muslin, tie securely with kitchen string and set aside. Combine sugar, vinegar, mustard, 1 tsp sea salt and 125ml water in a saucepan and cook, stirring over medium heat, until sugar dissolves. Add muslin bag and bay leaves and bring to the boil. Cook until reduced to 1½ cups (10-15 minutes). Add dried fruit, return to the boil and cook until fruit is soft and translucent (5-10 minutes). Spoon into a sterilised 1 litre-capacity jar, seal with a lid and invert until cooled to room temperature. Mustard fruits will keep in refrigerator for up to 3 months.

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