Where time was once a commodity, now, more than ever, we’re spending it indoors. And no better room in the house to spend it, we say, than in the kitchen, the backdrop for tackling those made-from-scratch recipes that have sat on your to-do list. Curry paste, hot sauce, cheese, bread – now’s the time to give these a spin.

Peter Kuruvita’s lime pickle
You’ve been meaning to make: pickles.
So make: Peter Kuruvita’s lime pickle.

Cauliflower piccalilli with ham and buttermilk biscuits
Or this: cauliflower piccalilli with ham and buttermilk biscuits.

Nukazuke (bran-fermented Japanese pickles)
Or perhaps these: nukazuke (bran-fermented Japanese pickles).

Curtis Stone’s homemade white bread
You’ve been meaning to make: bread.
So make: Curtis Stone’s homemade white bread.

Black Star Pastry’s strawberry and watermelon cake
You’ve been meaning to make: a show-stopping cake.
So make: Black Star Pastry’s strawberry and watermelon cake.

Salted chocolate layer cake with whipped ganache

Pork dumplings with black vinegar and ginger
You’ve been meaning to make: dumplings.
So make these: pork dumplings with black vinegar and ginger.

Pot-stickers with chicken, shiitake and chilli sauce

Linguine with pesto
You’ve been meaning to make: pesto.
So make this: linguine with basil pesto.

Linguine with walnut-parsley pesto
Or this: linguine with walnut-parsley pesto.

Gnocchi with sage brown butter and walnuts
You’ve been meaning to make: gnocchi.
So make this: gnocchi with sage brown butter and walnuts.

Tipo 00’s gnocchi with duck ragù and porcini mushrooms

Hartsyard hot sauce
You’ve been meaning to make: hot sauce.
So make: Hartsyard’s hot sauce.

Bistro Gitan’s twice-baked Roquefort soufflé with poached quince
You’ve been meaning to make: soufflé.
So make: Bistro Gitan’s twice-baked Roquefort soufflé with poached quince.

Palisa Anderson’s green curry of chicken (gaeng keow wan gai)
You’ve been meaning to make: curry paste.
So make: Palisa Anderson’s green curry of chicken (gaeng keow wan gai).