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Dave Verheul’s coconut sorbet, blueberries and rosemary

"Strangely enough, rosemary loves coconut and this makes a great refreshing dessert to eat any summer's day," says Dave Verheul.
Coconut sorbet, blueberries and rosemaryMark Roper
1H 30M

“Strangely enough, rosemary loves coconut and this makes a great refreshing dessert to eat any summer’s day,” says Dave Verheul.


Rosemary powder
Blueberry compote



1.For sorbet, stir glucose, sugar and 200ml water in a saucepan over medium heat until sugar dissolves (1-2 minutes). Place in a blender with coconut water and coconut cream and blend to combine, then churn in an ice-cream machine and freeze until firm (1-2 hours). Sorbet is best used within a day, but will keep frozen for 3 months.
2.For rosemary powder, preheat oven to 60°C or lowest setting. Strip leaves from rosemary sprigs and bake on a baking tray until dry and crisp (1 hour). Combine with sugar and cornflour in a spice grinder and grind until smooth (you can also do this with a mortar and pestle).
3.For blueberry compote, bring verjuice, sugar and rosemary to the boil in a saucepan and boil until slightly sweet, syrupy and reduced by a third (5-7 minutes). Add blackberries and bring to a simmer, reduce heat to low, add blueberries and gently warm through until berries go dark (30 seconds; take care not to overcook them). Remove from heat and immediately chill in a bowl placed over iced water and season to taste with lemon juice. Compote will keep refrigerated in an airtight container for 2-3 days.
4.To serve, spoon compote into small serving bowls, dust with the rosemary powder and top with a scoop of coconut sorbet.

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