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Rockpool Bar & Grill’s grilled pistachio and chocolate millefeuille

Australian Gourmet Traveller recipe for grilled pistachio and chocolate millefeuille by Rockpool Bar & Grill.
Grilled pistachio and chocolate millefeuille

Grilled pistachio and chocolate millefeuille

John Paul Urizar
1H 15M
1H 35M

“Rockpool Bar & Grill’s millefeuille isn’t traditional, but it is delicious. Will they reveal their secrets?”

Chia Lee, St Kilda, Vic


To request a recipe, write to Fare Exchange, Australian Gourmet Traveller, GPO Box 4088, Sydney, NSW 2001, or email [email protected]. Please include the restaurant’s name and address or business card, as well as your name and address.


Pistachio crème pâtissière
Milk chocolate mousse



1.For pistachio crème pâtissière, stir sugar and 40ml water in a saucepan over medium heat until sugar dissolves, then simmer without stirring until syrup reaches 115C on a sugar thermometer. Add pistachios and stir mixture with an oiled spoon until pistachios are coated and starting to toast (1-2 minutes). Transfer to a lightly oiled tray and leave to cool, then process pistachios in a food processor to crumbs. Bring milk just to a simmer in a saucepan over medium heat. Whisk sugar, yolks, flour and cornflour in a bowl until smooth and pale, then add a little warmed milk and whisk to combine. While whisking continually, add remaining milk. Pour into a clean pan and whisk continuously over medium heat until mixture comes to the boil. Reduce heat to low and cook, whisking continuously, until thickened and flour is cooked out (2-3 minutes). Transfer to a container, stir in three-quarters of pistachio crumbs (reserved remainder for serving), cover directly with plastic wrap to stop a skin forming and refrigerate to cool. Just before serving, whisk to a smooth consistency and transfer to a piping bag fitted with a medium-sized plain nozzle.
2.For milk chocolate mousse, melt chocolate in a bowl placed over simmering water, then keep warm. Whisk cream in a bowl to medium peaks and set aside. Whisk egg and sugar in a separate bowl over a saucepan of simmering water until thick and ribbon consistency (5-7 minutes), then remove from heat and set aside. Heat milk in a small saucepan over medium heat. Squeeze excess water from gelatine and add to milk, stir to combine, then add to chocolate and stir to just combine (do not overstir). Fold chocolate mixture into egg mixture, leave to cool slightly, then fold in whipped cream. Transfer to a container and refrigerate to set. Just before serving, gently whisk and transfer to a piping bag fitted with a medium-sized plain nozzle.
3.[Temper dark chocolate](|target=”_blank”). Spread tempered dark chocolate into a 23cm x 15cm rectangle on a large tray lined with baking paper and refrigerate until set. Cut into six 7.5cm squares with a sharp knife, then refrigerate until required.
4.Melt milk chocolate in a bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water, add royaltine, stir to combine, then transfer to a tray lined with baking paper. Top with another sheet of baking paper and gently roll out into a 23cm x 30cm rectangle with a rolling pin. Refrigerate to set, remove top piece of baking paper and cut with a hot knife into twelve 7.5cm squares.
5.Place a milk chocolate square on a serving plate, pipe a little milk chocolate mousse over, top with a second milk chocolate square, pipe a little pistachio crème pâtissière over then top with a dark chocolate square. Scatter with reserved pistachio and top with a scoop of pistachio ice-cream. Repeat with remaining ingredients and serve.

Note Royaltine is a crushed tuile biscuit. It’s available from specialty food shops. If it’s unavailable, substitute crushed chocolate coffee wafers.


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