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Lychees, cherries and guavas in lemon grass and vanilla syrup

Australian Gourmet Traveller fast dessert recipe for lychees, cherries and guavas in lemongrass and vanilla syrup
Lychees, cherries and guavas in lemongrass and vanilla syrup

Lychees, cherries and guavas in lemongrass and vanilla syrup

Grant Harvey




1.Place lemongrass, pandanus leaf, scraped seeds of 1 vanilla bean and bean, caster sugar and 1½ cups water in a small saucepan and stir over low heat until sugar dissolves. Boil syrup until reduced by half, then set cool.
2.Place lychees, cherries, guava and syrup in a bowl, combine well and refrigerate until chilled. Divide fruit and syrup among bowls and serve immediately, with ice-cream, if using.

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