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Thick ricotta pancake with roast rhubarb

A fast and fluffy dessert or a luxurious weekend brunch? Either way, this ricotta pancake with roast rhubarb hits the spot.
Thick ricotta pancake with roast rhubarb

Thick ricotta pancake with roast rhubarb

William Meppem


Roast rhubarb



1.For roast rhubarb, preheat oven to 220C. Combine ingredients in a bowl, stirring well to coat, then spread in a roasting pan lined with baking paper and bake until tender (15-20 minutes). Set aside.
2.Meanwhile, whisk ricotta, milk, butter and eggs in a bowl to combine, then whisk in remaining ingredients and a pinch of salt. Brush a 22cm-diameter frying pan generously with melted butter and heat over medium-high heat, pour in ricotta mixture, smooth top and cook until base is golden and bubbles appear on the surface (4-5 minutes). Transfer to oven and bake until top sets (2-3 minutes), turn and finish cooking on stovetop until puffed and cooked through (4-5 minutes). Serve hot, topped with roast rhubarb and ice-cream, dusted with icing sugar.

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