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Twice-cooked duck with celeriac salad

Australian Gourmet Traveller recipe for twice-cooked duck with celeriac salad by Martin Boetz.
Twice-cooked duck with celeriac salad

Twice-cooked duck with celeriac salad

Ben Dearnley
2H 50M
3H 20M


Whole-egg mayonnaise
Celeriac salad



1.Preheat oven to 160C. Place duck in a roasting pan large enough to fit snugly in a single layer and set aside. Heat oil in a saucepan over medium-high heat, then add onion and garlic and stir occasionally until caramelised (10-12 minutes). Add herbs, deglaze pan with wine and bring to the boil. Add chicken stock, bring back to the boil, season to taste and pour over duck. Cover closely with a piece of baking paper and braise until very tender (2-2¼ hours).
2.Remove duck from braising liquid (reserve liquid) and set aside to cool. When cool enough to handle, remove bones (discard), fold each piece of duck into a neat square and place on an oven tray lined with baking paper. Cover with a piece of baking paper, then place a slightly smaller tray or foil-wrapped piece of stiff cardboard on top, weight with food cans and refrigerate to press (overnight).
3.Strain 1 litre braising liquid into a saucepan (discard remaining liquid), bring to the boil over medium-high heat and boil until reduced to a light sauce consistency (15-20 minutes). Season to taste and refrigerate until required.
4.For whole-egg mayonnaise, whisk eggs, mustard and 1 tsp vinegar in a bowl until starting to thicken, then, while whisking continuously, start adding oil, drop by drop, whisking to incorporate thoroughly before adding more. As the mixture thickens, begin to add oil in a thin steady stream, whisking continuously to emulsify. Once all oil is added, whisk in remaining vinegar, season to taste and refrigerate until required. Whole-egg mayonnaise will keep refrigerated for a week.
5.For celeriac salad, stir celeriac, fennel, shallots, capers and orange rind in a bowl to combine. Add orange juice, vinegar and ¼ cup whole-egg mayonnaise, toss to coat well, season to taste, scatter with reserved fennel fronds and set aside.
6.To serve, preheat barbecue to high heat and grill duck pieces skin-side down until browned (2-3 minutes), turn and grill until warmed through (1-2 minutes). Meanwhile, warm braising liquid sauce with zested orange rind added in a small saucepan on the barbecue, add vinegar and adjust seasoning to taste. Spoon sauce over duck and serve hot with celeriac salad.

Drink Suggestion: Tangy white savagnin. Drink suggestion by Max Allen


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